CovidHelp Resources - Level 1

Information You Can Use!

It’s not always easy to know where to go to find what you’re looking for, and sometimes one does not know what one is looking for until one has found it.

Here we will list a variety of websites, videos, and podcasts for your research pleasure. Some of these sites are fairly simple and easy to navigate, while others offer so much information, it’s downright overwhelming.

We have broken it down a bit in an attempt to keep everyone properly “whelmed”. Don’t feel bad if the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know.

Life is a Journey and learning is part of the adventure. Enjoy!

For the Health of It

Your Health is Your Protection

Nutrition is a complicated subject and every "body" can have different needs and deficiencies.

Back in the day, when we were raising our own foods naturally, we could generally get all the nutrition we needed from the foods we ate. These days, it has been shown that our soils are seriously depleted of natural minerals and nutrients. Factory farming and international shipment methods produce inferior foods, compared to those grown organically and preferably, grown locally .

This means that most people should take supplements to make sure they are getting the nutrients they need. Even if you eat what you would consider a balanced diet, chances are you still need supplementation. Children, especially, need excellent nutrition for their growing bodies.

When trying to choose supplements, it's a veritable jungle out there. We will offer some suggestions on good nutritional protocol to get you started. Just know that all supplements are not created equally! Be sure to choose high-quality brands, including Herbal supplements, since they can contain trace minerals, which are often what the body needs.

Also "Super-Mega-Multi" vitamins are often not a balanced combination, can be a big waste of money, and can do more harm than good. We encourage you to support your local Health Food Store, as opposed to a pharmacy or big-box store. You will typically get better products and a better education.


The Importance of Self Care

Most of us know that proper nutrition is important to maintain Health, but we often don’t know what is optimal. Our world, including our food, water, and air has been inundated with man-made chemicals. Although the body can mitigate a certain amount of chemical overload, it can be slowly overwhelmed until it may no longer be able to handle the load. That’s when things begin to break down; we lose energy, begin to feel tired all the time, and ultimately can become ill.

Symptoms like achiness and pain are the body’s way of trying to get our attention; to let us know that we need to take action – more rest; less toxic substances; better nutrition; etc.

Often though, because our lives are busy, we hope it will go away and we take something to ease the pain or give us more energy.

Squelching the symptoms is the same as seeing the warning lights on your dashboard and then letting your car run out of oil. It will keep going for a while, but let it go too long and you have real issues.

If your car breaks down, it will cost you, but it can probably be fixed. If your body breaks down, it’s harder to fix and spare parts are not often available. Please take good care of You!

Take Charge of Your Life!

Ultimately You are responsible for the care of your body. Educate yourself. Weigh and balance all information without fear or bias.

Look in your community for nutritional practitioners and other experts in nutritional Health. Interview them to discover who you would like to work with.

If you were going to buy a house or a car or an appliance, chances are you would do quite a lot of research before you made your purchase.

Your Health is just about the most important investment you can make in this life. Doesn't it make good sense to learn everything you can about it?

