Facing Our Fears
Courage is a term that seems to belong to days of yore, related to exploring unknown lands or battling dragons and pirates and such.
These days it seems a courageous thing just to get into our cars and face the freeway, or to ask our boss for a raise, or to say hi to a stranger.
Life on this planet is wrought with uncertainty, and sometimes it seems easier to just go along to get along. One problem with going along, is it will often lead you to places you never intended to go.
You must face a thing in order to know the truth of the thing.
Illness and death are two of the most frightening things we must face in life; both make us feel powerless. In the movie, "The Thirteenth Warrior", one of the characters offered some wisdom that we will para-phrase here-
"The skein of your life was woven long ago.
Hide in a hole if you must but you'll not live one moment longer than you're meant to."
This is an excellent way to view life if you want to live it fully. All life ends at some point - that's a fact. So let us live in the meantime.
If the COVID pandemic has taught us nothing else, it has taught us that the uncertainty of life must be faced and dealt with as it comes.