Facts Over Fear Resources - Level 2

Get The Facts!

One of the best ways to be "Not Afraid" is to be armed with Facts.
Facts should be verifiable, not just information that some so-called expert stated. Keep in mind that main stream news anchors are not experts; they are reading from a script. Discernment is a discipline so don't be surprised
if what you thought you knew is not so.
The world changes in each moment.
Stay fluid!

Checking the Fact Checkers

If you're looking to the Fact Checkers to check your facts for you, you may never know the truth. Your first challenge is actually wanting to know the truth. Can you handle it?
Whether the source is left or right, a respected publication, a local journalist, or any of the so-called unbiased fact-checking professionals, you need to do your own homework.
Truth can be found in the middle and seen in the results. Cross-referencing with a variety of actual experts will help you find the pieces to put the puzzle together. You know what they say about opinions - we all have them - but they are only valuable if they are actually true.


Elder Care

If you have decided to trust the system, you may find that the system is not so trustworthy. Many who find themselves over the 60 mile-marker with Social Security on the horizon, are a bit concerned about how that's going to work out. If you have managed to get paid well and did all the paperwork right, and if you have family support, you might do alright. If not, you may find that your future is not so secure and that, even if you DO have family support, it likely will not be enough.

In most Western countries, the median age of 'covid death' is 80+ years, and about 50% of those deaths occurred in care homes.



PCR Tests

"A PCR test might say you're positive for coronavirus for three or four weeks after you've recovered because it's still picking up past infection and the small fragments (of the virus) are still being amplified," said CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and visiting professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health.

After seven to ten days, "that PCR test is not an appropriate test."


Young Athletes Falling Out

The Children's Health Defense has offered an article on the tragedy of young athletes who are falling out in the middle of their games and practices from heart related issues.

The known count is well over 1000 now. Most of them may be permanently incapacitated and many of them have died.
The incident is reportedly mostly after they have received the second C-19 shot. The average age of the athletes who have suffered cardiac arrest is 23 years old.


The Fear Factor

Fear of the unknown has plagued Mankind since we awakened on this planet. Knowledge and Courage are two of the greatest tools we can use to mitigate fear.

It is always best to know your 'enemy' and the true nature of it. Arming yourself with knowledge reduces the 'fear factor' so you can make clearer decisions.