Facts Over Fear Resources - Level 2

Get The Facts!

One of the best ways to be "Not Afraid" is to be armed with Facts.
Facts should be verifiable, not just information that some so-called expert stated. Keep in mind that main stream news anchors are not experts; they are reading from a script. Discernment is a discipline so don't be surprised
if what you thought you knew is not so.
The world changes in each moment.
Stay fluid!

PCR Tests

The perfect tool to jump-start a pandemic.

As far as testing is concerned, the information is confusing at best and condemning at worst. The use of the PCR test has created so many false positives that the true numbers of cases will never be known. Perhaps that was the original plan.

From the FDA  - "No test is 100% accurate, and test performance can vary based on the prevalence of disease in the population being tested. COVID-19 diagnostic tests may be less accurate in populations with a low prevalence of disease and in asymptomatic individuals, individuals who shed little virus, or individuals who are early or late in the course of illness. ...symptomatic individuals with COVID-19 and asymptomatic individuals without known exposure may have similar levels of viral genetic material." 

"Although the current available literature suggests that symptomatic individuals with COVID-19 and asymptomatic individuals without known exposure may have similar levels of viral genetic material, there is limited data on the distribution of viral loads in individuals with and without symptoms across demographics, different settings, and specimen types. 'Negative' results should be considered as 'presumptive negative'.”

The fact is, as far as the testers are concerned, just about anyone is suspect of infection, no matter how well they are. Statements like the above are designed to be interpreted as - 'We are doing everything we possibly can to keep people safe'. But what they're really saying is - 'Whatever your status is, you probably will test positive for COVID because that's how we have set the tests up, and most likely you will be counted as a 'case' and considered infectious, just for the record'.

The CDC Is Withdrawing Its Original PCR Test for COVID

From www.Health.com

"Experts say that, while not explicitly mentioned in the announcement, there is another big reason behind the CDC's latest move. It has to do with the sheer number of tests that have received EUA [Emergency Use Status] since the CDC's PCR test first debuted in February 2020, when there was a huge need for testing and no other options in the US. The CDC, as a federal agency, was uniquely positioned to rapidly create an effective test and deploy it to government-run labs across the country." [Why does the government have laboratories?]

"The CDC has recognized that it would become increasingly important to test for both COVID and other viruses, like influenza and RSV - respiratory syncytial virus - as we move into the fall and winter," says Matthew Binnicker, PhD, director of clinical virology in Mayo Clinic's Division of Clinical Microbiology. [Using the PCR tests, most everyone should test positive for something]

"The CDC is not really in the testing business per se," explains Dr. Breining, executive director and medical director of Northwell Health Laboratories. "...the CDC rolled out the first test quickly to jump-start the country's ability to test for SARS-CoV-2. They do this in special circumstances for new and emerging pathogens, like COVID. They had also done a similar thing for Ebola and the Zika virus," says Dr. Breining."  [This statement is very revealing as to the methods used to create and perpetuate a pandemic scenario. Keep the fear going and test, test, test.]

"Since then, hundreds of new tests have become available across the country. And while they often rely on the same PCR technology used in the CDC's first test, many of the newer tests are much more efficient for labs to process, allowing them to conduct far more testing on a daily basis without compromising accuracy."

In essence, the CDC's original PCR test for COVID is going away, not because of inaccurate results - which they have been proven to be - but because there are more accurate and comprehensive testing methods now - all authorized by the CDC, of course. Even though Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, argued many years ago that PCR should not be used for diagnostics, it has proven to be the best tool available to produce mass quantities of  'positive' results, which helped to 'jump-start' the C-19 pandemic.

Now that they have the populace acclimated to getting tested to see if they are sick, they can constantly be testing everyone for everything. No doubt they will be able to find something that you are sick of.

If you feel sick, go to the doctor if you must. Otherwise, it is recommended that you stay home and get well.

If you do not feel sick, we encourage you to go out and live your life well. No Fear!

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