Level 2

Facts Over Fear


It is no measure of health to be well adjusted

to a profoundly sick society.” 

~ J. Krishnamurti

The human body and all its correlating particles, e.g., germs; viruses; microbes; etc. are a synergistic orchestra that was designed to know exactly what it is doing and how to play well together.

It does not need the self-acclaimed brilliance of man to 'improve' upon its systems.

Living in a Viral World

There is no escape

Viruses have been labeled as the enemy, and an all-out war has been launched upon them. Considering their estimated count outnumbers everything else on Earth, how can we hope to defeat them, or escape them?

What if they are actually an indicator of toxicity? the fall-out of a toxic cell? How then shall we relate to them?

If viruses are the sign of cellular poisoning, does it make sense to apply more chemicals?


Gain of Function Research - GOFR

DURC–Dual Use Research of Concern

The following is from a collection of websites that are reporting on the controversy and argument of ethics that goes hand-in-hand with the act of altering a pathogen, which may not actually be harmful to people and animals until it is altered.

This idea leaves the realm of sanity and embarks upon a road which can only lead to destruction. To argue the ethics of it is somewhat akin to debating whether igniting a pile of oily rags might burn down the house. "Oh, we can put it out if we act in time but then, how will we know how brightly the house might burn."



COVID -19 Vaccine Quiz

How familiar are you about the particulars of the C-19 Vaccine?

In case you missed this in Level 1,
take this test to see how you score and perhaps,
learn things you didn't know you didn't know.