CovidHelp Resources - Level 1

Information You Can Use!

It’s not always easy to know where to go to find what you’re looking for, and sometimes one does not know what one is looking for until one has found it.

Here we will list a variety of websites, videos, and podcasts for your research pleasure. Some of these sites are fairly simple and easy to navigate, while others offer so much information, it’s downright overwhelming.

We have broken it down a bit in an attempt to keep everyone properly “whelmed”. Don’t feel bad if the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know.

Life is a Journey and learning is part of the adventure. Enjoy!

JP Sears on Klaus Schwab

Bringing us the Great Reset

JP Sears is a comedian who tours the country extensively doing stand-up comedy and publishing weekly online videos.

His videos have been viewed more than 500 million times. In addition to inspiring laughter in a weird world, JP’s work takes an unapologetic stand for freedom, free speech, and encouraging people to free themselves from fear.

JP lives in Texas because of FREEDOM! There he’s set a world record for how much he loves his family.

When he’s not making videos or performing on stage, JP spends his time passionately playing all out, scaring himself daily, and choosing to live guided by his own free will.

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