CovidHelp Resources - Level 1

Information You Can Use!

It’s not always easy to know where to go to find what you’re looking for, and sometimes one does not know what one is looking for until one has found it.

Here we will list a variety of websites, videos, and podcasts for your research pleasure. Some of these sites are fairly simple and easy to navigate, while others offer so much information, it’s downright overwhelming.

We have broken it down a bit in an attempt to keep everyone properly “whelmed”. Don’t feel bad if the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know.

Life is a Journey and learning is part of the adventure. Enjoy!

Amazing Polly

Canadian Podcaster

Amazing Polly podcasts from her home in Ontario, Canada.

I’ve done video after video about how they are trying to break our will so that we will accept the new rules of the game that they want to bring in. Those new rules have so many names, like ‘Agenda 21’, ‘Agenda 2030’, ‘The Green Revolution’, ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, ‘The Great Reset’, ‘Build Back Better’, and more. ‘The New World Order’.

Before I began posting videos in about March 2016, I had been an artist – a painter. Visual artists can tell you that this work is somewhat meditative and as such it is conducive to learning. While my hands and a part of my brain were occupied by the canvas I would listen to audiobooks, interviews, and lectures on a wide variety of topics. It so happened that I had always been interested in ‘high weirdness’, so at first those were the topics I gravitated to before moving on to try to gain a deeper understanding of the world around me.

As a girl of 12 or 13, I read Erich VonDaniken’s Chariots of the Gods, which blew my mind. A couple of years later I got to hear a friend’s family discussions about the unusual elements of the Kennedy Assassination and the Moon Landings, which introduced me to the idea that recent history might not be what it seems.

Part of my university education alerted me to the various ways in which ‘science’ had been, and continues to be used to shape cultures and societies. This was before universities became indoctrination centers for the official narratives.

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