CovidHelp Resources - Level 1

Information You Can Use!

It’s not always easy to know where to go to find what you’re looking for, and sometimes one does not know what one is looking for until one has found it.

Here we will list a variety of websites, videos, and podcasts for your research pleasure. Some of these sites are fairly simple and easy to navigate, while others offer so much information, it’s downright overwhelming.

We have broken it down a bit in an attempt to keep everyone properly “whelmed”. Don’t feel bad if the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know.

Life is a Journey and learning is part of the adventure. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions


 What is an Epidemic or a Pandemic?

An epidemic is defined as “an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many individuals at the same time.”

A pandemic is a type of epidemic - one with greater range and coverage; an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area [pan means "world", so pandemic is usually a "worldwide" epidemic] and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population.

While a pandemic may be characterized as a type of epidemic, you would not say that an epidemic is a type of pandemic.

What does Endemic mean?

Another associated word that may have crossed your radar recently is Endemic. If you translate it literally, it means "in the population."

Endemic is often used to characterize diseases that are generally found in a particular area; malaria, for example, is said to be endemic to tropical and subtropical regions. It indicates a more or less constant presence in a particular population or area rather than a sudden, severe outbreak within that region or group.

Endemic is also used to categorize the constant micro-biome existing in our bodies. This includes both beneficial and pathogenic organisms.

 What is a Corona Virus? What is an Exosome?

The first corona virus was seen by June Almeida in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1964. It was assumed to be the "Common Cold" virus.

It looks like a tiny sphere with many spikes protruding from it. It has a protein "shell" with a length of RNA coiled inside it. Think of it like a memory stick or a thumb drive. If it "plugs into" a cell, the cell "reads" the RNA "message", like a computer would read a thumb drive and the cell then reacts to that message. In this case, the SARS-C0V-2 virus tells the cell to start massively duplicating the virus (like a copy machine) until the cell dies. LOTS of duplicated virus then go onto other cells to do the same thing.

Viruses are being likened to exosomes. Studies have shown that viruses and exosomes appear to be very similar to each other in design and function; both are excreted from the cell with almost identical make-up and purpose. Neither have been proven to actually cause disease.

As stated in "Exosomes are continually secreted by cells, with their release typically modulated by factors such as cellular stress and cell signaling. Once secreted, exosomes may be taken up by adjacent cells or may travel to distant cells; in some instances, exosomes act on the cells from which they were secreted. Exosomes communicate a wide range of information to target cells, depending on the cell types from which they originate, and depending on the cell surface proteins and bio-molecules they carry. In particular, exosomes perform important activities that influence immune responses, cell proliferation, and neuronal signaling.

The "Exosome Theory" is that there is some environmental stressor that creates the particles we see as viruses, and these particles (viruses) are being blamed for something they didn’t cause. It's like saying flies cause poop because every time you see poop, you also see flies; or that firetrucks cause fires because every time you see a fire, there are firetrucks.

If the exosome theory is correct, it indicates a dynamic process in which the cells of our bodies communicate with each other in an effort to mitigate new environmental challenges. Please watch this video to see what you think - When is a Virus an Exosome?

Is a Corona Virus Alive?

Much of the information that you may have heard about viruses has been misconstrued and might lead you to think that a virus is "out to get you".

According to WebMD: "In science, we generally define a living thing as an organism with a metabolism - a chemical process that keeps the organism alive - that can grow, reproduce, and respond when stimulated. Viruses do not have a metabolism and cannot grow or respond when stimulated."

Viruses are not alive, so they don’t go "hunting" you like a mosquito, and they cannot be "killed". But they can be destroyed (their protein shell dissolved) by heat, certain kinds of light, certain chemicals, and several aspects of our own immune systems.

 Corona Virus / the Common Cold / T-Cells

In this study - Common Cold helps achieve herd immunity. The common cold is a type of coronavirus, and while it's not the same one behind the COVID-19 infection, it turns out to be a “kissing cousin”, which could work out to our advantage.

Many people who have been infected previously by other corona viruses (including the common cold, SARS1, and MERS) seem to have resistance to SARS-CoV-2. This study finds that a recent encounter with the common cold could potentially leave your immune system in a slightly better position to fight off COVID-19 if you're exposed.

It all boils down to something called T-cell memory. When something foreign invades your body, an alarm goes off. Your first responders - macrophages and other immune cells - go rushing to the scene to attack the invader. If the first line of defense fails, your body deploys its more skilled immune cell agents - your T-cells.

T-cells can retain a "memory" of the invaders they've fought in the past and that special skill makes them far better at fighting off or resisting that illness if you're ever exposed to it again. Studies have also shown that even though the T-cells have never encountered COVID-19, they still know how to deal with it. The intelligence of our bodies is beyond amazing!

What is the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

From [which mostly quotes statistics from the CDC and WHO]: “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - SARS is a serious form of viral pneumonia caused by the SARS coronavirus and was first identified in 2003. COVID-19, which stands for coronavirus disease 2019, is the disease said to be caused by contracting SARS-CoV-2.”

“The World Health Organization has designated SARS a global health threat. In 2003, an epidemic killed approximately 774 people worldwide before it was successfully contained. No new cases of SARS have been reported since 2004.”

From the Mayo : “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a contagious and sometimes fatal respiratory illness. SARS first appeared in China in November 2002. Within a few months, SARS spread worldwide, carried by unsuspecting travelers.”

“SARS showed how quickly infection can spread in a highly mobile and interconnected world. On the other hand, a collaborative international effort allowed health experts to quickly contain the spread of the disease. There has been no known transmission of SARS anywhere in the world since 2004.”

Also from Healthline: “According to the CDC, an estimated .043-1.1% of people who developed the flu during the 2019–2020 flu season in the United States died by April 4, 2020. In comparison, about 1.61% of those with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States have died as of October 7, 2021.”

Information like this can be very confusing. Firstly: Everything is randomly approximated; the percentages are sketchy; and the dates don’t correlate. Secondly: A ‘case’ has never been clearly defined. Thirdly: The PCR test that has been used to indicate viral infection and the source of the estimated ‘cases’ was never meant to be used as a diagnostic tool, as stated by the creator, Kary Mullis. Fourthly: How did they manage to ‘suddenly and successfully contain’ a ‘worldwide’ outbreak of SARS in the early 2000s, doing hardly any public protocol?

Also, they state it killed 774 people - worldwide. How is this considered an epidemic? This is hard to fathom when practically the entire population, at least in most areas, immediately incorporated the strictest of protocols beginning in March 2020, and still the virus ‘went wild', supposedly killing millions?

There are lots of questions yet to be answered. The most important thing is to stay as healthy as possible and don’t succumb to the fear infection.

 What are COVID-19 symptoms?

People who have been thought to have COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported, ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus and may include: Fever or chills; Cough; Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; Fatigue; Muscle or body aches; Headache; New loss of taste or smell; Sore throat; Congestion or runny nose; Nausea or vomiting; Diarrhea.

This list sounds a lot like any cold or flu you have ever had, so don't freak out if you start coughing or sneezing or running a low-grade fever. The purpose of fever is to make the body an uncomfortable environment for any infection that may be developing. [think of boiling water to kill bacteria] As long as the fever does not go over 103.1°F / 39.5°C or persist for more than 2-3 days, most people including children should be fine, provided they are normally healthy. If your infant has fever, that's another matter. It would be wise to seek medical help asap.

The preceding list is from the CDC website and does not include all possible symptoms. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.

One of the fear factors has been the claim that asymptomatic people [people with no obvious symptoms] can be silent carriers of COVID-19. While that may be possible in some rare cases, it is in fact NOT scientifically proven. Science and the human experience have never shown that a healthy person, with no obvious symptoms has ever been known to be infectious to those around them.

Fear, on the other hand, can be very infectious.

 Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory

The main thing to remember about 'theories', is that they are based on ideas, which are attempting to explain something. They should never be considered the final authority on anything. Science can never be settled or fixed. There are always new points and facts that present themselves along the way which can change everything we ever thought we knew.

According to Wikipedia - Germ Theory, put forth by Louis Pasteur in the early 1800s, is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases. It states that microorganisms known as pathogens or 'germs' can lead to disease. These organisms, too small to see without magnification, invade humans, animals, and other living hosts. Their growth and reproduction within their hosts is thought to be the cause of disease.

Alternately - Terrain Theory [which Wikipedia refers to as Germ Theory Denialism] states that the Health status of a person, or the 'terrain' with which the 'germ' comes in contact, is the deciding factor. Antoine Bechamp believed that the condition of the human body plays a more important role than the germs that 'infect' it.

The fact is, we are swimming in microscopic critters of every description, and they are swimming in us. Pathogens are as natural to our landscape as grass and trees. If a tree falls in the forest, [whether anyone hears it or not] a plethora of critters of all sizes begin to break it down and to transform it into its next state. If we want to walk around without being accosted by things that are here to do a specific job, it is in our best interest to take care of the vessel in which we dwell; keep it well-fed and clean and as stress-free as possible. 'Germs' just do what they do, and it is up to us to not be a tempting morsel on their menu.

Here are some excellent resources discussing the two theories:
The Weston A. Price Foundation ; Dr. Lauren DeVille ; Dr. Craig Burns in CO

What is Herd Immunity?

Herd Immunity or Community Immunity is a concept that is speculated to occur when a large part of the population of an area is immune to a specific disease. If enough people are resistant to the cause of a disease, such as a virus or bacteria, it has nowhere to go. While not every single individual may be immune, the group as a whole has protection. This is because there are fewer high-risk people overall. The infection rates drop, and the disease plays out.

Immunity doesn’t necessarily mean the disease is gone; it just takes its place as one of the millions of other pathogens we carry around with us every day. It becomes one of the herd, so to speak. Our immune system has learned to deal with it, so it is no longer a threat to the system.

 Is Herd Immunity good? What about my own Immune System?

It is considered that Herd Immunity protects at-risk populations, which includes babies and those whose immune systems are weak and have low resistance. Passive immunity can occur naturally, when maternal antibodies are transferred to the fetus through the placenta to the baby.

Herd Immunity was recognized as a naturally occurring phenomenon in the 1930s when it was observed that after a significant number of children had become immune to measles, the number of new infections decreased. Those over 40 years of age may remember their mothers exposing their children to other children who had measles or mumps to contract the malady, which is historically sited to strengthen immunity. Conceptually, once most of the population is immune, the disease cannot spread even in a crowd; the virus has nowhere to go to reproduce and it dissipates.

Mass vaccination to induce Herd Immunity has since become common and claims to be successful in preventing the spread of many infectious diseases. If you search for current information on Herd Immunity, much of what you find is sited by the mainstream influencers, and all follow a single line of thought - Herd Immunity is necessary for protection of the masses and can only effectively be achieved with modern intervention - as in mass vaccination. It's very difficult to find unbiased info that offers any alternatives. Here is an article from 2015 reflecting some research long before COVID-19 was a thing.

The Theory of "Herd Immunity"

There is much to be said for and learned of our body's amazing immune system. The original designer of the human body created a system that, when given the right tools - i.e., nutrition; vitamins; minerals; and such - can mitigate most anything short of direct poisoning.

Take care of your body and it will take care of you.

 How can I protect my family and stay Healthy?

Two very important things will tell you if you might be exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms:

A. Monitor your blood oxygen level

B. Monitor your temperature

Symptoms of COVID-19 have ranged from: Fever or chills; Cough; Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; Fatigue; Muscle or body aches; Headache; New loss of taste or smell; Sore throat; Congestion or runny nose; Nausea or vomiting; Diarrhea.

This list sounds like most any cold or flu. Most of the protocols say that as long as your fever does not go over 103° Fahrenheit or around 39° Celsius, and your symptoms do not worsen, stay home; isolate as much as possible; stay hydrated; and rest.

If your symptoms accelerate, and especially if you suffer from any of the following symptoms: Trouble breathing; Persistent pain or pressure in the chest; New confusion; Inability to wake or stay awake; Bluish lips or face; you should get to an emergency room immediately.

One of the main symptoms of COVID-19 is low blood oxygen - Hypoxemia, which can lead to Hypoxia, a lack of oxygen in the tissue, specifically the brain, which can be fatal.

Using a Pulse Oximeter to check your blood oxygen on a regular basis and keeping a chart of your vitals, like blood oxygen; blood pressure; temperature; etc., can be helpful in monitoring your Health. If your blood oxygen inexplicably falls below your 'normal', contact your doctor. Learn more about Pulse Oximeters.

Many Doctors have discovered that early treatment at home is VITAL to preventing the worst symptoms of COVID-19, and early treatment can prevent the need to go into a hospital. If you have other illnesses like diabetes, cancer, obesity, etc., knowing your body and keeping charts is even more important.

Supplementing your diet with high quality vitamins is key to your Health. Basics such as: Vitamin C; Vitamin D3; Calcium/Magnesium; Zinc; etc. are your first line of defense. Also, herbals such as Elderberry and Echinacea are historical known to strengthen the immune system and are safe for children. Keep a small arsenal on hand in case of emergency and for general maintenance. Be sure to buy good quality products. Don't skimp on price; do some research and visit a local Health Food Store. Make sure the product is well made and avoid 'Super-Multi-Mega' brands.

Being prepared not only helps protect you and your loved ones, it also gives you the peace of mind that you are doing all you can to take responsibility for your own well-being.

Here is an extensive overview on causation and some natural treatments from: MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained Clearly

 What about Masks?

One of the biggest controversies raging since COVID-19 came to town is the efficacy of masks. We addressed this briefly in the Health section of this site. A lot of rhetoric has been thrown around about 'droplets'; in other words - spit and mucus. We all have it, and no doubt these substances harbor all kinds of critters.

No mask can truly protect you against viruses - which are everywhere - all the time. The best thing a mask can do is obscure your identity and keep you from spitting on others. The worst thing it can do is cause you to re-breath bacteria that is meant to be expelled, which can make you ill. This is especially dangerous for children. It bears repeating over and over - a healthy immune system IS our greatest defense.

If it makes you feel safer to wear a mask - and there are certain situations where it might be wise - by all means, do so. Please be respectful of others who may have a different opinion. We all get to choose.

Here are a couple of videos for perspective: How Big is a Virus - Exploratorium video & Virus vs. Mask - Size Comparison video

 What are my choices for vaccination? What about my children?

Far be-it from us here a CovidHelp to try to advise anyone on whether they should be vaccinated or not. This, as with all health decisions, is up to the individual. NO ONE should try to force or coerce you into doing ANYTHING that is against your will. Unfortunately, we are not given all the facts when it comes to the details of these treatments. Here are a few points for you to ponder that you may or may not be aware of.

Did you know that in 1986 Congress passed the Vaccine Act for children’s vaccines, which protects vaccine makers from any liability for death or injury due to adverse effects? Vaccine companies cannot be sued and are making billions of dollars on these injections.

In the 1940s there were only 2 vaccines for children – DTP and Smallpox; Polio and Measles was added to the schedule in the 1960s; MMR was added in the ‘70s.

By 1999 children were given 3 doses of DTP; 3 doses of IPV; 4 doses of Hib; 3 doses of HepB; MMR at 12 months; 3 Varicella; and 3 doses of Rotavirus. This list may vary a bit depending on your doctor and where you live, but it equates to 20 doses of man-made chemicals injected into a baby in its first year of life. They now combine many of the treatments for convenience and to spare the child the pain of multiple shots. If you’ve had children recently, you may feel this is normal. For those who had their children prior to 1990, it may seem horrifying.

Here’s a link to explore to give you an idea of the vaccine schedule -

The list of side-effects relating to vaccines has become long. In the 1960s, Autism was 2-4 in 10,000 children; today it is estimated to be 1 in 56 children, particularly males. The battle is raging on this subject.

Next time you visit your pharmacist, ask them for an insert from just about any vaccine to read about the ingredients and the possible side-effects. There are several videos on the internet showing that the insert from at least some of the COVID-19 vaccines is entirely blank.

The COVID-19 injections were authorized for emergency use in the name of saving lives from a deadly virus. The actual recovery rate from this virus has been over 99%. Most of the deaths reported included other co-morbidities, such as cancer; diabetes; heart failure; etc., and most who died were over 70 years of age.

These mRNA treatments are not truly vaccines, according to the definition of a vaccine. Thousands of doctors, virologists, and other experts from all over the world, are expressing their concerns about what the long-term effects will be. There is much more to be learned on this subject and much is being revealed. Remember - You get to decide what is right for you and your Family.

 What is a mandate?

A mandate is defined as “an authoritative command, or the authority given to an elected group of people, such as a government, to perform an action or govern a country".

A mandate [not to be confused with a couple of guys who decide to have dinner or play golf, etc.] can be construed as a law, but cannot generally be enforced the same as a law. Law-making goes through certain processes with specific considerations. Mandates cannot over-rule federal or state law and cannot over-ride the Constitution. There is much difference between laws, mandates, and recommendations - Laws must be passed by legislation; Mandates are not laws; Recommendations are suggestions.

The mandates that are being required of Americans at this time are questionable at best. Many of the actions that are being mandated are in direct conflict with the people being able to take care of themselves and to make a living. Many of the Sheriffs and state representatives and certain governors are refusing to comply with or enforce what they feel are unreasonable requirements. There are some states, such as South Dakota, which did not comply with any of the mandates to shut down business, and did not enforce mask wearing nor vaccines, showing that none of these actions were necessary.

In the past almost 2 years, it has been shown that if you are not over 70 and in reasonably good Health, there is a better than 99% chance you will recover from COVID -19 if you happen to get sick. What is your chance of recovery if you lose your business or your home when it could have been avoided?








