Founded in 1999, originally included just a handful of natural remedies. The site now includes remedies and testimonials for ailments literally from A to Z; including Folk Remedies from around the world, protocols for COVID-19, and treatment suggestions for Children and Pets!
Deirdre Layne, founder and owner of Earth Clinic, is a widely respected expert in natural remedies and a Healthcare professional specializing in Energy Medicine. People began using Earth Clinic to share tried-and-true home remedies, but what they were most excited about were the extensive Health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. Ultimately, Deirdre co-authored a book about it, Apple Cider Vinegar: A Modern Folk Remedy.
Be sure to visit their YouTube Channel to learn just about everything there is to know about home remedies, using household items like Borax; Honey; Baking Soda, Apple Cider Vinegar, and a whole bunch of other stuff you would have never imagined.
A Great Resource Site!