The Awakening - Article

The Hero's Journey

Through the Dark Night of the Soul

The Dark Night of the Soul is integral in the Awakening experience. It may feel like you are dying but it is really the pains of re-birth. Once your journey has begun, there is no going back and no blue pill that will return you to the way you were. You may be able to deny it but you will never be the same.

Why would you want to be?


the Whole Truth

and Nothing But...

In spite of the current narrative, there are no 'versions' of the Truth. A thing is either true or untrue. It is difficult to look at a thing from a limited perspective and fully comprehend what you're looking at. If you really want the Truth of the thing, you must be willing to look at it from all angles and accept the reality of its meaning. Otherwise you're just seeing what you want to see and disregarding the rest.


The Power of Intention

We are divine manifesters and it is imperative that our minds, our psyche, and our bodies, are fed well. We must focus on the positive and on the world we desire in order to create that world.


Of Women and Men

We are All Free

Standing on the shore, the current pulls at me, the winds push at me, and the sands are shifting beneath my feet.

I am the foundation of Life and the bedrock of this Earth. The forces upon it cannot move me.

I stand or go as I will – not at the whims of others.



The Depths of Emotion

Courage is the Key

Emotions are our greatest tool, yet we often choose not to feel if we can help it. A major factor for our predicament today is our lack of emotional cognition. Unfortunately, there are those who are using this to their advantage - much to our destruction.

Wake up, My Heart! We Must Feel. How else will We Know What is Real?


Living With Gaia

An Other-Worldly Vision

Living With Gaia was a vision I had, circa 2015, of the world as it might be and no-doubt is, in an alternate awareness. Re-membering this world makes it a challenge for me to reside in our current reality.



Heal the World by Forgiving Yourself

Ho'oponopono is a simple but very effective healing technique. It's an ancient Hawaiian healing method and it eliminates all your limiting beliefs and data. And the great thing is, you don’t even have to know what these limiting beliefs are.


The Four Agreements

For a Better Life

The Four Agreements©, was published in 1997 and has sold around 10 million copies. It has been on the New York Times Bestselling list for almost a decade.

Everything we do is based on agreements we have made - agreements with ourselves, with other people, with God, with life. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves.